One of the most profound scientific reports came out this month that sheds light on why food addiction is so hard to overcome and the serious consequences for our health as a society. This article from JAMA, Increasing Adiposity Consequence or Cause of Overeating? by David Ludwig, PhD., discusses research on how fat cells, called adipocytes, are formed […]
Archive | Tips on Healthy Living
RSS feed for this sectionWhite House Conference on Concussion
Concussion is no longer considered a “ding” to the head. With today’s concussion conference at the White House preventing, recognizing and treating concussion takes on more importance as a national public health issue. Concussion is defined as a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain caused by traumatic biomechanical forces. Sport- and recreation-related concussions are conservatively […]
Does your Doctor Listen?
When a person comes into a doctor’s office they are always under a some type of stress. They have come to you for a problem they often know very little about, are typically in pain or discomfort and desperately trying to remember everything they want to say about their condition. With that backdrop physicians are […]
Tell Your Doctor What Dietary Supplements You Are Taking
In a recently published article using survey data from the 2005-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) researchers found that 1 in 3 Americans taking prescription drugs were also taking dietary supplements. This was certainly not an unexpected finding. People with a medical condition often proactively work to improve their health and nutrition in […]
Dr Joseph Maroon’s Anti-Aging Tips
Even my closest friends are often surprised when then ask me my age. Despite my youthful appearance I can tell you the birth date posted on my driver’s license is correct. Although youthful appearance is not the only goal of adopting an anti-aging lifestyle it is a great side benefit. Our skin, without makeup or […]
Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Thirty-one percent of Americans are hypertensive, 30% are prehypertensive, and approximately 20% are hypertensive yet unaware of their status according to a recent study published in the March 6, 2014 American Journal of Hypertension. In addition the authors note that only 47% of those with hypertension are adequately controlled. The study they report on is a meta-analysis of […]
Dr Joseph Maroon contributes to FOX News on Foods doctors won’t eat
Dr Joseph Maroon along with several other prominent experts in nutrition discuss common foods that should be avoided in an online FOX News report. Click Here – to read the entire article written by Lauren Gordon, Published December 24, 2013 in The Daily Meal. In addition the article has recommendations on good foods to eat for better […]
Dr Joseph Maroon to Lecture in NY on Concussion and Brain Function on March 21, 2014
On Monday March 21, 2014, Dr Joseph Maroon will lecture at the first annual seminar presented by the PATH Foundation located in New York City that will focus on how the human brain functions to reward. The seminar will feature a Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist, celebrity Suzanne Somers and the former Governor of New York […]
Training to Conquer Mount Kilimanjaro
Two month ago Rajesh Durbal, the first triple amputee to complete the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon asked me to be the “team doctor” for the first ever “Guts to Glory Expedition” to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro—the highest free standing mountain in the world. Rajesh assembled 10 disabled amputee athletes to perform this first ever climb by such […]
Countdown to Kilimanjaro
There are just few days left to as I prepare for arriving at the foot hills of Mount Kilimanjaro Africa’s highest peak at 19,341 feet above sea level. My good friend and triple amputee Rajesh Durbal will lead a group of 11 other amputees from around the world as we attempt to make it to the […]