Sports Medicine Credentials

Maroon and WardDr. Maroon has been the team neurosurgeon for the Pittsburgh Steelers since 1981, and is Medical Director of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). He has successfully performed surgery on numerous professional football players and other elite athletes with potentially career-ending neck and spine injuries. Notably, he safely returned most of them to their high level of athletic performance.

Dr. Maroon is highly invested in the prevention and treatment of concussions in highschool, college and professional sports, specifically football. While working with the Steelers in the early 1990’s,  the lack of an objective, reliable instrument to evaluate concussion symptoms became very apparent to Dr. Maroon. To fill this void, he and Dr. Mark Lovell developed ImPACT™ (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing), an easy-to-administer, 20 minute long test to assess presence and severity of concussion symptoms. ImPACT™ has become the world-wide standard tool to assess sports-related concussions, and has been used in over 5 million athletes.  Dr. Maroon joined the National Football League’s Head, Neck and Spine Committee in 2006.

For his expertise on sports medicine and concussions, Dr. Maroon is frequently interviewed and quoted by the media, including the New York Times, USA Today, Associated Press, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and ABC News Nightline.

2013 Ironman Finisher upright1In addition to his professional involvement in sports, Dr. Maroon is an avid athlete himself. He participated in 9 marathons, over 70 Olympic-distance triathlon events and most notably 8 Ironman triathlons all over the world (Hawaii – 1993, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2013; Canada – 1995; New Zealand – 1997; Germany – 2000), where he almost always finished in the top 10 of his age group. Recently, in July 2012 and 2013, he finished second and third, respectively, in his age group in the Muncie, Indiana half Ironman triathlon.

As a result of his athletic performance and contributions to sports medicine, Dr. Maroon was inducted into the Lou Holtz Upper Ohio Valley Hall of Fame in 1999, and in 2010, he was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in Chicago.


Tri-State Neurosurgical Associates-UPMC
Administrative Oakland Office Address:
Presbyterian University Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery
Suite 5C
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 1-888-234-4357

© 2013 Tri-State Neurosurgical Associates – UPMC