Countdown to Kilimanjaro

Cath of Learning Stairs Better

There are just few days left to as I prepare  for arriving at the foot hills of Mount Kilimanjaro  Africa’s highest peak at 19,341 feet above sea level.  My good friend and triple amputee Rajesh Durbal will lead a group of 11 other amputees from around the world as we attempt to make it to the summit in 5 days.   Not a world record pace for most but still a momentous attempt as I accompany this inspiring group as they attempt to, as Rajesh puts it, “Break every limiting belief about the mountains you face in life.”

For the last 3 weeks I have begun to train seriously with increased exercise, diet and rest.  I now wear my hiking boots all day long, even in the hospital, in order to get adjusted to the weight and feel.  I have increased my stair climbing to 6 times up and down the Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh.  At 36 stories it’s a great work out and other than the stares I get going up the stairs my endurance seems to be improving.  I am also walking miles on the treadmill with my boots and a 20 pound weighted backpack to simulate the weight I need to carry on the climb.

At this point I feel good with my training and barring injury will continue to ramp up the exercising until about day 4 in the countdown.  I am still concerned about the possibility of altitude sickness but plan to take every precaution.  For my next post I will discuss the changes in my diet and supplements I plan to use to help get me to the top. Thank you again for all your support. Below is the schedule for the climb and the events surrounding Rajesh’s No Limits Freedom Tour of Africa.

The Tentative Schedule is:

February 14, 2014 – February 18, 2014 Capetown South Africa

February 20, 2014 – February 28, 2014 Climb Up Mt. Kilimanjaro – Tanzania

(5 day’s Climbing up the mountain, 3 day’s descending.)

March 2, 2014 Kilimanjaro Marathon – Tanzania

March 5, 2014 – March 10, 2014 Johannesburg

March 9, 2014 Cape Argus Pick and Play Cycling Tour


Tri-State Neurosurgical Associates-UPMC
Administrative Oakland Office Address:
Presbyterian University Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery
Suite 5C
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 1-888-234-4357

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