2024 New Year’s Best Wishes and Following through with Resolutions

Jan 1, 2024  On behalf of Dr. Joseph Maroon and his entire staff we wish for you a joyous, safe and healthy 2024.  At this time of year our thoughts often turn to ways we might change in the new year.  Whether to lose weight, break a bad habit or start a new healthier habit, making resolutions for 2024 is a common practice for most humans.  In fact, according to a new survey from Forbes Health/One Poll of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted on Oct. 23, 2023 that asked for Americans’ attitudes surrounding resolutions. They found that about 1/3 of Americans typically make annual New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, the Forbes survey found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months.

There are numerous barriers for changing habits and following through with resolutions. From another survey done by the New Your Post in November 2023 they reported the most common barriers:

  • The monetary cost – 53%
  • Busy schedule – 53%
  • Not enough support from family or friends – 52%
  • Lack of motivation – 46%
  • Discouragement from lack of results – 36%
  • Difficulty understand what I need to do to achieve them – 28%
  • Not being consistent – 14%

What are some of the ways to stay motivated to obtain your resolution goals: Reward vs. Effort are the most common motivators of behavior. Both motivate – Reward to act and the stick is the effort to achieve the reward. A common example is the Carrot (Reward to lose weight) VS. the Stick (Effort to be made to achieve goal- exercise and diet changes). For some just setting a Goal may be motivation enough. But sticking to a new habit comes down to consistency and dedication.

TIP – There are ways to Help make exercise easier:

  • Ex. -Try to be busy or distracted when exercising or feeling hungry
  • Try watching TV, reading, Listening to Music, being outdoors, do chores at the same time

Setting unrealistic resolutions goals can lead to failure:

  • A resolution is about what you would like to do rather than what you ‘should or could’ do.
  • People often establish excessively difficult objectives that quickly become unreachable, or they set relatively easy goals that they quickly become bored with.

Choose a resolutions that are achievable. Are they quantifiable? (Can be Measured)

  • Are they constrained by time? Are they specific in nature? Are they physically possible?
  • In order to be achievable, you must change your behavior, so make sure your goals are reasonable.

Resolution Suggestions:

  • Move Your Body for 30 Minutes, 3 or more days per Week
  • Be Proactive About Your Health – see your Doctor for Disease prevention testing
  • Create a Nightly Routine That Helps You Sleep – Sleep Hygiene
  • Lower your Stress with meditation
  • Increase fiber, probiotics,  fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Drink more Water especially with Meals
  • Eliminate Processed foods and Added Sugars

Most of all be kind to yourself and others. Have a Happy New Year every day of the year!