Archive by Author

PBS Brain

The Brain & Exercising

The benefitial effects of exercise on the heart, blood pressure, immune system and blood sugar levels have been known for a while. More recent research shows that regular physical exercise can have a strengthening impact on the structure of the brain, and hence improves brain function and reduces memory problems associated with aging. 


ImPACT Concussion Testing

With ImPACT™, you can objectively assess brain functions that are typically affected if someone has a concussion. By administering ImPACT™ to athletes before they have a concussion (baseline), and subsequently when a concussion is suspected, individualized before-and-after comparison is possible. 

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A concussion, also called “mild Traumatic Brain Injury” (mTBI), describes an injury to the brain resulting from a forceful impact to the head. This trauma to the brain causes electrical and metabolic changes that can sometimes make you pass out or feel dizzy. Find out more! 

Maroon Brain Surgery

Brain Surgery

Dr. Maroon is an experienced brain surgeon who has successfully performed many different types of brain surgery. By using minimally invasive surgery methods, his patients epxerience quicker healing times and less hospital stay. 


The Surgeons

Dr. Maroon is regarded as a premiere specialist in the surgical treatment of injuries and diseases of the brain and spine, specializing in minimally invasive procedures. Dr. El-Kadi specializes in spine and disc disorders, spinal tumors, minimally invasive surgery and spine stabilization.  