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Larry and John KDKA

Dr Joseph Maroon visits KDKA Radio Larry Richert and John Shumway Healthy Living Topics

June 6, 2018 Dr Joseph Maroon visits his good friends at KDKA Radio Larry Richert and John Shumway to discuss a variety of Healthy Living Topics:  Ryan Shazier’s strength and perseverance through his rehabilitation How exercise because it creates new brain cells that keep you healthy. The choice of how you activate your genes is […]

Preconference Workshop Webinar

Dr Joseph Maroon Lectures on CBD at American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

April 12, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL – Dr Joseph Maroon, along with his numerous other titles and responsibilities,  is also the Senior Vice President of American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).  At their most recent national meeting on brain health Dr Maroon led a day long workshop entitled, Medical Marijuana (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD): What All […]

Square One Book Cover small

Holiday Special Pricing on Dr Maroon’s Square One Book

Dr Joseph Maroon’s latest book, Square One: A Simple Guide to a Balanced Life, continues to get overwhelmingly positive reviews. (See Below).  Now that the giving season is in full gear, Dr Maroon would like to give all those waiting to purchase the Square One Book for themselves or others a gift as well. Starting now until […]

FROM BURNOUT TO BALANCE Oct 6 2017 Harvard Cover

Dr Joseph Maroon to Lecture at Harvard Medical School on Burnout

Neurosurgeon, lecturer and healthy living expert, Dr Joseph Maroon, has been invited to speak at the Harvard Medical School Cushing Neurosurgical Society, John Warren Surgical Society, and the Health and Mental Wellness Initiative on Oct0ber 6, 2017.  The title of his lecture is, FROM BURNOUT TO BALANCE – Epigenetics, Neuroplasticity and Connectomics.  The lecture is based on his recent […]

Chuck Noll Foundation Check from Saints and Sinners Sept 7 2017

Check Provided to Chuck Noll Foundation from Man of the Year Event – Thank You

The Man of the Year event on July 25, 2017 that honored Dr Joseph Maroon was a night to remember.  But along with the heart-felt speeches, wonderful food and great view of the city the purpose of the event was also to raise funds for the Chuck Noll  Foundation for Brain Injury Research.   This annual Man […]

KDKA Morning News

Dr Maroon Interviewed on KDKA for upcoming Man of the Year Award

July 11, 2017 – Dr Joseph Maroon was interviewed today by KDKA radio personalities Larry Richert and John Shumway about his upcoming awards banquet sponsored by the Saints and Sinners Charity. The local chapter of the Saints & Sinners Club of America recently announced Dr Joseph Maroon as their 2017 Man of the Year and is […]

Health Radar Image

Dr Joseph Maroon Interviewed by Health Radar Publication

June 2017 Dr Maroon along with a number of the top senior athletes in the country were recently interviewed by Health Radar Newsletter.  The article entitled, “Lessons From Senior Athletes: Age-Defying Fitness Secrets”, asks each what are their “secrets to remaining competitive”. Here is Dr Maroon’s response: Maroon devotes at least an hour daily to […]

burnout MD

See Dr Maroon’s Interview with Dr Mercola on Burnout Prevention

In perhaps the most comprehensive interview ever done by Dr Maroon, nutritional specialist Dr Joseph Mercola asks the right questions about the epidemic of professional burnout.  Dr Maroon’s recently published book, Square One: A Simple Guide to a Balanced Life, is the basis for the interview but the conversion branches out to many interesting topics. As summarized […]