Keep you Brain Sharp – Eat Better

Good FoodMay 7, 2015   In a study published this month in Neurology researchers  looked at dietary habits from over 40 countries and found that diet can make a big difference when it comes to brain function as we age.

The new study suggests that improving overall diet quality is an important factor for lowering the risk of memory and thinking loss. They defined a “healthy diet” as one containing lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, moderate alcohol use and minimal red meat.

In this study they did a baseline dietary intake and measured brain function in 27,860 men and women who were enrolled in 2 international trials looking at heart disease. After about 5 years they reported that those with the lower risk of cognitive decline also ate the healthiest diets.  They concludes that improved diet quality represents an important potential target for reducing the global burden of cognitive decline.

Read Study Abstract HERE